GetSystemInfo (GSI) is a very useful tool created by Kaspersky Lab. GSI is used to collect system information to troubleshoot technical issues, detect incompatible software, detect known and unknown malware, and program function errors. It first scans your computer and creates a log file which you can then upload to the online GSI parser for analysis. After you have finished uploading the log file, the online GSI parser then scans all the information present in the log file and parses it into an easy readable format. Because of the online parser, users with limited computer experience can also troubleshoot an issue on their own easily.
How to use GSI effectively
*Download GSI from official site
*Run GSI to generate report
How to use GSI effectively
*Download GSI from official site
*Run GSI to generate report
*Go to Kaspersky GSI website
*Browse, Upload zipped report and submit
Download Kaspersky GSI (450KB)