Friday, October 9, 2009

The Quest; Bomb Moon Water

Recently the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched its first Lunar mission $100m Chandrayaan-1 to find traces of water on Moon. Water was found on Moon by NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) specifically designed and mounted on Chandrayaan-1. M3 detected Electromagnetic Radiation from minerals located just below the surface of Moon. However it is noticeable the traces found are not like ponds or sea, but in raw solid format composed with other elements.

Some unconfirmed suspicions and studies suggested that there could be ice in craters around Moon's Poles. This water may serve the purpose of drinking water and rocket fuel for future dwellers. It confirms that NASA is planning to set up a SPACE STATION on Moon for easy routing to other planets and Space Exploration.

Now the main question arises why are they bombing the Moon if the traces are already found? It is because NASA wants more confirmed traces. Seems like they are not satisfied with Chandrayaan-1 provided data.

So how is NASA is planning this project?
LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation an Sensing Satellite) will crash into permanently dark crater at a speed of 9,000 Km/h. First the large empty rocket will hit the lunar surface at more than seven times the speed of sound. The incredible impact is expected to throw up 3.5 lacs kilos of lunar dirt out of the crater causing a 6 mile high, 35 tonne lunar debris cloud. Coming just behind will be the LCROSS satellite which will beam back to the Earth live pictures of the impact and the huge debris cloud. Four minutes later, LCROSS too will strike making another dust storm. Watch NASA animation below

NASA hopes that the lunar debris will confirm the presence of enough water necessary to supply future visits by astronauts.

Live Coverage
You can watch the Live Coverage from below links. This coverage is expected to be broadcast live at 6:15 ET/10:15AM GMT/03:15AM PST.

Huffington Post

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