Many of the GMail users have not yet received Google Wave Invitations. And there are no further invitations available with Wave users. This is same like when first GMail was launched. Only a limited number of users were given the Invitations with additional 50 or 100 more invitations to each account. But to those lucky Wave users spicy top ups are starting to come up. Google Wave AddOn v 0.0.1 is the first among them.
This AddOn is more like a GMail or WebMail Notifier. However this is an experimental AddOn which means it can include some bugs, and also can crash Google Wave but still, it is a must have one. You just need to provide your Google Wave username and password. Whenever a new Wave is created or a message is send to you, it will be colored and show the content.
This AddOn is more like a GMail or WebMail Notifier. However this is an experimental AddOn which means it can include some bugs, and also can crash Google Wave but still, it is a must have one. You just need to provide your Google Wave username and password. Whenever a new Wave is created or a message is send to you, it will be colored and show the content.
Requirements: Firefox 0.9-3.7a1pre
Install Google Wave Firefox AddOn