Dev's on XDA forum has released an Android 2.1 ROM v1.1 for HTC Hero. All the HTC users can give it a shot. There are quite of improvements from previous 1.0 version like
1. Sync fixed
2. Added extended apns list
3. Rooted
4. Facebook App added
5. Wireless tether added
6. Amazon MP3 added
Here's how you can install
1. Do a nandroid backup
2. Flash this new radio (link)
3. Perform a wipe
Remember when we last talk about Fring for Android Devices. The fun is not over yet. Fring now supports free video calls for iPod Touch, iPhone 3G and 3GS also. It works with many clients such as Skype, Google Talk, Yahoo!, MSN, AIM and much more. Fring features include
1. Fring Voice and Video calls
2. IM
3. Integrated dynamic friends list with real time contact availability
4. SIP integration
5. Multiple connection types
6. Push notification support
7. iPhone/iPod OS 2.0 or later
The video feature encapsulated within Fring application allows live chat with other Fring or Skype users. Fring users can even update profiles with popular social networks like Twitter and Facebook. According to CEO and CO-Founder of Fring Avi Shechter
"We were the first to bring mobile voice over internet (VoIP) to mobile devices, the first to bring iPhone/ iPod touch users the choice to make free Internet calls, the first to enable cost-saving mobile twitter over internet, and now we’re proud to continue leading the field of rich mobile-internet communication by bringing users the world’s first fring video calls over internet for the iPhone and iPod touch."
Unfortunately for iPhone/iPod Touch users only incoming stream is available, however for selected Nokia users 2-way stream is fully functional. Fring iPhone/iPod Touch is available for free on iTunes.
Double Explorer is a Windows 7 based application which manages two or more Windows Explorers in one. WDE 0.3.5 adds favorite folders with drag and drop to toolbar for quick access.
Rumors speculating about Twidroid v3.0 was early December, but we didn't expected on exactly top of the month. Yes, it is released today. Twidroid v3.0 goodies include
1. Threaded converstaions
2. In-app image/link previews
3. Google Map Twidroid plugin 1.0 support
4. Action menu streamlined with icons
5. Tweet share option
6. Save searches sync with Twitter
7. Report spam
8. Remember timeline position setting
9. Jump to top in timeline
10. DM lists with avatars
11. Autocomplete usernames
12. Bring up tweet box directly with typing @
To Download Twidroid v3.0 launch android market in application menu and search for 'twidroid'. Both free and PRO versions are available.
Blackberry Media sync 3.0 manages pictures and music files from Blackberry device to computer. Synchronization covers importing and exporting of files between PC and Device. It supports Blackberry Smartphones which are media capable.You can sync following items
1. Playlists from iTunes library or WMP on computer to device
2. Podcasts and other audio files from music application on computer to device
Mac OS X Leopard - X theme gives Windows XP a Mac look. Before installing Uxtheme Multi-Patcher is required. It will allow to use any 3rd party msstyle theme on Windows XP SP1/SP2 by patching the dynamic link library uxtheme.dll.
Mac OS X Leopard X includes:
1. Leopard-X visual style (4 variants)
2. Leopard X-styler
3. -X Mac search Leopard skins
4. Leopard-Skin & X DockWallpapers
There are many sites which have partnered with Microsoft to use Internet Explorer as prime browser for surfing on there sites. We know that many users prefer Firefox or Google Chrome over IE. The reason for this is its robustness, and ease. IE 6 and IE 7 doesnot support JavaScript, which is a main feature for many users to look out. If you are a Google Chrome or Google Chromium user and want to open IE Only sites, you should get help from its IE Extension. IE Tab Extension integrates with Google Chromium as an .crx extension and opens all 'IE Only' without even opening IE. It works with all latest Google Chromium dev Builds.
With many Twitter clients popping out, it is becoming difficult which one to chose from. Now, the competition isn't to make a app, but to implement features which are robust and flexible to use. TweetDeck which has been downloaded more than 10 million times had the honor of introducing retweet and group features which was rolled out by Web Twitter way after. The New version just announced in addition to previous one has some major improvements.
TweetDeck 0.32.0 includes Maps for Geo Tweets, double avatars for Retweets, Lists and Linkedin integration. Geo Map tweets show a small red pin icon which when clicked shows the map location.
Retweeted tweets show conventional retweet icon with two avatars. Each time you retweet there is a option to 'Retweet Now' or 'Edit then Retweet'.
In TweetDeck, lists will now work as groups. Whenever a new group is created it will be official and public.
In settings area there are couple of enhancements like in Twitter Tab there are 3 options for Retweet and Twitter Counter service in Services Tab. Overall the UI is refurbished with a clean and elegant look.
Dolphin is the Multi-Touch Browser which supports Motorola Droid, Hero and Cyanogen. Dolphin runs on Google Android 2.0. Take a look what Dolphin includes with its features
1. Easy share on web and social networks like Twitter, Facebook
2. Multi-Touch Zoom support
3. RSS Feed detection and subscription with Google Reader
4. Auto Sync with Google Bookmark
5. Favorites accessibility with PC and Mobile
6. View most popular web pages on one page
7. Smart Address bar with autocomplete and Google search integration
The Linux Mint team has released the most stable version of its OS 'Helena' on 28th which includes many improvements and new features. Linux Mint is an open source OS based on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. It is powered by Linux kernel 2.6.31, 7.4 and GNOME 2.28.1. Linux Mint comes with two main versions namely "Main" and "Universal (Light)". Highlights of Linux Mint 8 are as follows
1. LiveDVD instead of LiveCD
2. Support for OEM installs
3. New Upload Manager
4. Multiple language support
5. Menu Improvements
6. Software Manager improvements
7.MintCast registered by default as a podcast in Rhythmbox
8. Auto installation of media codecs via built in .mint file
System Requirements
32 bit processor, 512MB RAM, 2.5GB HD space, VGA card capable of 800x600 resolution, DVD/CD writer.
Tweetie is a Twitter Client for iPhone users. It is a free app developed by Loren Brichter. There are a number of prominent features available in this latest version. Tweetie 2.1 integrates new Twitter options such as Retweets, Geotagging and Lists. Also you can report spam too. If you enable Geotagging your tweets will be tagged with your location. In new version, Tweetie remembers your last status update and continues from the same state to show new tweets when logged in again after a pause. This is same like when scrolling down through web for more tweets in your timeline and you see a thick black bordered line separating the older tweets from the newer ones.
Finally the wait is over for Windows Vista users. Now they can enjoy the Windows 7 transformation just like the Windows XP users did via XPto7 Transformation Pack. It provides support for Windows 7 Visual style. 7 Transformation Pack 4.0 for Windows Vista will replace many of the resources such as
1. Boot screen
2. Welcome Screen / Logon Screen
3. New msstyles files (visual styles)
4. New desktop and file icons
5. New toolbar icons
6. Progress Dialogs
7. Sounds scheme
8. System Tray icons
9. New Wallpapers
10. Some Windows 7's popular features
ZoneAlarm launched its free products for Windows 7 users. These products include ZoneAlarm Firewall, Zone Alarm Extreme Security Final, Zone Alarm Pro Final, ZoneAlarm with AntiVirus Final, ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite Final. Some of the prominent features include
1. Spy site detection
2. Signature and heuristic phishing detection
3. Website safety check and rating
4. Privacy mode for shared computers
5. Instant messaging security
6. Browser security toolbar
Be sure to uninstall the previous version of ZoneAlarm and Turn Off Windows Firewall for maximum security.