Fedora is a free open source Linux based Operating System developed under Redhat Inc. Just like Ubuntu its distribution is free and legal. Redhat Fedora is the second most popular Linux OS being used up till now. Its popularity can be judged by the fact that it resides on our main servers as a primary OS due to its strong security features. That is why there are hardly any Virus or Anti-Virus made yet.
So, whats new with Fedora 12?
1. Optimized Performance
2. Smaller and Faster Updates
3. Enhanced NetworkManger Broadband
4. High Quality Video streaming
5. Graphics improvements
6. Virtualization improvements
7. Bluetooth On-Demand
8. Pulse Audio enhancements
9. GNOME 2.28
10. KDE 4.3
Check out FeatureList for more
System Requirements: Release Notes
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