Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ubuntu as Windows XP

Chinese pirates have successfully converted Ubuntu Linux OS to Windows XP, in GUI respect atleast. Linux based Windows XP OS named as Ylmf OS looks very much like Windows XP with all linux attributes. Ylmf OS uses similar Windows XP icons and taskbar. It comes with freeware such as Firefox and

Wine integration allows to use Windows programs in Ylmf Linux OS. However some programs may not be able to run. Since the manufacturer are Chinese and language is also set to Chinese by default, which can be converted to English by running this command in terminal

sudo locale-gen en-US

To download the Ylmf OS navigate to download page. There are four download options. Download file is in ISO format and 683MB in size.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Install Songbird 1.4.1 in Ubuntu

Songbird is a free and open source audio player and web browser developed by Mozilla. It provides cross platform compatibility with Windows, Mac, Linux. Songbird has the ability to play multiple audio formats such as mp3, aac, ogg vorbis, flac, apple lossless, and wma including WMDRM.

How to Install?
For 32-bit users
- Download .deb file for 32-bit Ubuntu users
- Open terminal and enter
sudo dpkg -i songbird_1.4.1_i686_skyzim.deb
For 62-bit users
- Download .deb file for 64-bit Ubuntu users
- Open terminal and enter
sudo dpkg -i songbird_1.4.1-x86_64-skyzim.deb

When installed Songbird 1.4.1 can be access from Applications > Sound & Video

Install Thunderbird 3.0 in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic

To install Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0 in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala we need to include repositories into the system. Open terminal and enter command,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily
sudo apt-get update

This will update the sources.list file. Now install Thunderbird 3.0 using following command

apt-get install thunderbird-3.0

Access Thunderbird 3.0 by going to Applications > Internet > Thunderbird 3.0

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Genoid: Android Theme for Ubuntu

Genoid is GTK theme inherited from Android for Ubuntu users. It converts GNOME desktop to that of Android with Android wallpapers, icons, cursors etc.

Whats New:
-reworked theme, icons
-add cursor
-add installer

How to install:
Right Click desktop and click Change Desktop. Click Theme tab, drag and drop theme's archive in appearance preferences window.

Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Alpha1 Released

It was not so far when Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala was released. Yet now the New Alpha version of Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx LTS has been released and is available for download. Ubuntu 10.04 comprises of Linux Kernel 2.6.32 GNOME Desktop Environment 2.29.3.

Removal of HAL has made boot even fast than before. Transmission updated to 1.80 Beta 1. Live CD logo color is changed. It is built on KDE Software compilation 4.4 Beta 1.

Time line for Ubuntu release will consists of 3 Alphas, 2 Betas, 1RC and Final Release. Dates can be noted from below

December 11th, 2010 - Alpha 1 release | January 14th, 2010 - Alpha 2 release | February 25th, 2010 - Alpha 3 release | March 18th, 2010 - Beta 1 release | April 8th, 2010 - Beta 2 release | April 22nd, 2010 - Release Candidate | April 29th, 2010 - Final release of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chromium OS 64-bit

ChromiumOS64  is an unofficial prototype of Google Chrome OS designed by Teo En Ming. This new Chrome OS is dedicated for 64-bit CPU's. Since official Google Chrome OS doesnot support 64-bit PC's but when officially released in 2010, ChromeOS64 will be under Google Chrome OS jurisdiction. It allows users to run as virtual OS on Linux and Windows. The latest release supports XEN Virtualization. It is a Pre-Alpha release and size upto 1GB.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid prototype

Previously we covered some Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid mockups. More new designs are popping up. The design which is shown below is called Opklaar. It is an African word meaning to Clear.

Last two proposed art works are Wasp-Hard based on Wasp suite of GTK, Metacity, Xfwn and GDM themes.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Download Calculate Linux 10.0

Gentoo based Linux distribution for desktops and servers, Calculate Linux 10.0 is released today. This type of Linux may not be much popular to users but Linux geeks should try once. It is powered by Linux Kernel and 7.4.  In addition Calculate Desktop receive Mozilla Firefox 3.5.4, 3.1.1, Calculate server 2.1.6, Calculate Client 2.1.8. New version comes with several editions including Calculate Directory server (CDS), Calculate Linux Desktop with KDE 4.3.3 (CLD) or Xfce 4.6.1 (CLDX), Calculate Linux Scratch without Desktop (CLS) or GNOME 2.26.3 (CLSG). 

 Download Calculate Linux 10.0 live CD/DVD image

Monday, November 30, 2009

Linux Mint 8 "Helena" Released

The Linux Mint team has released the most stable version of its OS 'Helena' on 28th which includes many improvements and new features. Linux Mint is an open source OS based on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. It is powered by Linux kernel 2.6.31, 7.4 and GNOME 2.28.1. Linux Mint comes with two main versions namely "Main" and "Universal (Light)". Highlights of Linux Mint 8 are as follows

1. LiveDVD instead of LiveCD
2. Support for OEM installs
3. New Upload Manager
4. Multiple language support
5. Menu Improvements
6. Software Manager improvements
7.MintCast registered by default as a podcast in Rhythmbox
8. Auto installation of media codecs via built in .mint file

System Requirements
32 bit processor, 512MB RAM, 2.5GB HD space, VGA card capable of 800x600 resolution, DVD/CD writer.

Main Edition
    * size: 688MB LiveCD
    * MD5Sum: 06fc2f27f8352a2bac5516b86c020755
    * Torrent download:
    * HTTP download:

Universal Edition
    * size: 1GB LiveDVD
    * MD5Sum: e297a2cdf1b1c6408ac6a6d76833933a
    * Torrent download:
    * HTTP download:

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid MockUps [UnOfficial]

The New version for Ubuntu Lucid 10.4 will be out in 2010. Some of the MockUps have start showing up. This particular mockup is a combination of dark and light colors. Theme named Dawn, Day and Dusk are shown below

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fedora 12 Announced

Fedora 12 has come out powered with Linux Kernel 2.6.31, KDE 4.3 and GNOME 2.28 Desktop environments. The Fedora 12 focuses on Netbooks, Desktop, Virtualization and system administration. Highlights of Fedora 12

1. Optimized performance
2. Smaller and Faster updates with yum-presto plugin.
3. NetworkManager broadband enhancements and PolicyKit Integration.
4. Next generation Video Codec: Theora 1.1 induction better than H.264
5. Graphics support for AMD and NVIDIA
6. Pulse Audio Enhancements
and much much more.

Don't forget to check out Fedora 12 Release Notes

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Install/Remove Firefox on Ubuntu

Ubuntu Linux OS is free and comes with many free applications. Mozilla Firefox is among many. Since Mozilla Firefox team comes up with their latest browser version every six weeks, so it is must to update to latest version. However there is no auto update option available to install newer version for Ubuntu and requires manual update.
There is an easy way to update using command prompt. First download the new version and save it in the directory Place>Home Folder. Then go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal and paste the following command

if [[ ! -f /usr/bin/firefox ]]; then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox; fi && if [[ -e ~/.mozilla ]]; then cp -R ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.backup; fi && sudo tar -jxvf firefox-3*.tar.bz2 -C /opt && rm firefox-3*.tar.bz2 && sudo mv /opt/firefox/plugins /opt/firefox/plugins.backup && sudo ln -s /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins /opt/firefox/plugins && sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu --rename /usr/bin/firefox && sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

Give password if required and restart Firefox.

If you want to Uninstall any version of Firefox then follow command as below

sudo rm /usr/bin/firefox && sudo dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/bin/firefox && sudo rm -r /opt/firefox

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Free Download Accelerator for Linux/Windows

SKDownloader is a freeware download accelerator for Linux and Windows Platform. It is java based and have special installers. It includes

1. Downloading same file in parts to maximize speed.
2. Pause/Resume Support.
3. Redirection support.
4. HTTP/ FTP support.
5. Proxy support.
6. Schedule event support.
7. IE/Firefox integration.
8. Auto update.
9. GUI/CLI interface.

Requirements: Java 6.0

Download SKDownloader

Create Ubuntu 9.10 Live bootable USB

Pendrivelinux team has come up with a new tool to run live Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 from your USB Flash Drive. Follow the instructions below

1. Download USB bootable Flash Drive Tool
2. Extract contents to your PC
3. Place Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 ISO file in the extracted folder (U910p folder)
4. Double Click U910.bat
5. Follow screen instructions and restart system
6. Be sure to change First boot device to USB in BIOS settings

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Firefox/4.0 & 3.7 Linux Theme Mockups

Mozilla Firefox team has shown up Firefox 4.0 Linux Mockup themes couple of days ago. Major changes include "Tabs on Top", "Hiding the menu bar" and "Browser sync with Mozilla Weave".

In addition Linux Theme Mockup for Firfox 3.7 include Visual style update, Theme variations for different systems, Consistent back/forward buttons, Curvier tab shape, removing toolbar separators.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 Final released

Finally the wait is over. We are blessed with a new version in Ubuntu Series, Karmic Koala 9.10. This version promises to be far more stable than previous ones. Faster graphical boot, Improved audio framework, Simplified Add/Remove Applications tool. It is available free of cost in Desktop, Server and Netbook versions. Also LiveCD version is also available to try but with limitations.

Download Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 of my choice

ShipIt New Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 NOW

Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 Themes

Theme Names (i. aquadreams, ii. balanzan, iii. bamboo-zen, iv. exotic, v. infinity, vi. karmic-nights, vii. showtime, viii. tropical, ix. ubuntu-sunrise, x. wild-shine)

Click on the themes above to get a closer view. How to install? Follow commands below

1. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list file
2. gksudo gedit /edit/apt/sources.list
3. Add following lines (deb http://ppa/ karmic main AND deb-src karmic main)
4. Add GPG Key using command (sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bisigi)
5. Update source list using command (sudo aptitude update)
6. Just change the theme name listed above to apply theme e.g to install first 'aquadreams' theme enter (sudo aptitude install aquadreams-theme)

Note: These Themes have been tested and works absolutely fine.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mac OS X Theme Pack for Ubuntu

Mac machines are no doubt very expensive for average users. And for many people out there Windows is the first and last option. However if you are a lover of Open source community like Ubuntu OS then there's a treat for you. You can convert your very own Ubuntu OS to Mac OS X with Mac OS X Theme Pack for Ubuntu. This theme pack will make Linux desktop virtually identical to that of Mac OS X.

Follow steps below

1. Download Mac4Lin and unzip
2. Run the command "*./" (where as * is the path to your unzipped Mac4Lin Folder) and always answer "y"to all questions.
3. Install necessary packages with the command "sudo apt-get install awn-manager compiz emerald"
4. Go to Applications>Accessories>Avant Window Navigator (AWN)
5. Panel management AWN select "Themes" and import theme contained in subdirectory of AWN installation directory Mac4Lin
6. Click System>Preferences>Appearance>Background and select wallpaper from "Goodies" Mac4Lin installation directory
7. Reboot

Download Mac OS X Theme Pack for Ubuntu (33MB)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala RC

The latest Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala RC package has been released. Its out of its beta version. You can also shipit but according to the Ubuntu team their theme of shipping has been greatly achieved and now there will be a change in its strategy. Its not like each new version of Ubuntu will be shipped to each and every person who has placed an order. The prime of motto of Ubuntu is "Linux for Human Beings" not 'Linux for everybody'. Ubuntu is a free open source OS and easily available for download via torrents or iso files. Now the lucky ones are going to get a copy of Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. So try your luck here. However requests are open to all.